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February 2022

QUIZ: What is Causing Your Neck Pain? | Arthritis or Cervical Disc Herniation?
QUIZ: What is Causing Your Neck Pain? | Arthritis or Cervical Disc Herniation? 1024 576 Best Practice Health

If you are reading this article, I am going to assume you have neck pain. That is a pain starting in your neck and radiating into the base of your…

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5 Steps To Reduce Joint Pain By Eating An Anti-Inflammatory Diet
5 Steps To Reduce Joint Pain By Eating An Anti-Inflammatory Diet 1024 576 Best Practice Health

The word arthritis has two parts. Arth- is Latin for joint, and -itis, Latin for inflammation. So, arth-ritis is an inflamed joint. As everyone knows, arthritis is painful. It makes…

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