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January 2023

WARNING: 3 things young people under 60 must know BEFORE having Total Knee Replacement
WARNING: 3 things young people under 60 must know BEFORE having Total Knee Replacement 1024 542 Best Practice Health

There are not that many complications from knee replacement surgery. I graphed the most common ones here. The size of each block is in proportion to how often the complications…

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Why you may have severe back and leg pain after RFA (and why not to panic!)
Why you may have severe back and leg pain after RFA (and why not to panic!) 1024 535 Best Practice Health

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a common procedure for the treatment of low back pain due arthritic facet joints. Prior to RFA a pain management doctor typically performs a medial branch…

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Finding the right hip replacement surgeon at a dinner party
Finding the right hip replacement surgeon at a dinner party 1024 535 Best Practice Health

I saw a lady I’ve known for years at a party last week. Her husband was my optometrist before he passed away. Great guy. I did not know her as…

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