
Should You Take Collagen or Glucosamine/Chondroitin for a Herniated Disc
Should You Take Collagen or Glucosamine/Chondroitin for a Herniated Disc 1024 1024 Best Practice Health

This question recently came to me from YouTube. The answer is clear: NO! NEJ! NIE! NEM! NINE! HAYIR! NEE! KHONG! EI! HET! LO! NEI! Glucosamine/Chondroitin and collagen protein supplement are…

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Stinging nettle treatment for joint pain due to arthritis: Is it worth it?
Stinging nettle treatment for joint pain due to arthritis: Is it worth it? 1024 683 Best Practice Health

 In response to the video 5 steps to reduce your joint pain | Anti-inflammatory diet on YouTube, Sandra Bagwell asked:   “How do you feel about stinging nettles capsules?”    …

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Clickbait alert! Vitamin E supplement
Clickbait alert! Vitamin E supplement 1024 708 Best Practice Health
While we don’t have strong proof, there is an increasing consensus that eating inflammatory foods makes arthritis worse, and conversely, eating anti-inflammatory foods can make it better. But don’t believe all the clickbait. . . read more
5 Steps To Reduce Joint Pain By Eating An Anti-Inflammatory Diet
5 Steps To Reduce Joint Pain By Eating An Anti-Inflammatory Diet 1024 576 Best Practice Health

The word arthritis has two parts. Arth- is Latin for joint, and -itis, Latin for inflammation. So, arth-ritis is an inflamed joint. As everyone knows, arthritis is painful. It makes…

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