Knowledge Center

What to do when you think you have a rotator cuff tear
What to do when you think you have a rotator cuff tear 1024 285 Best Practice Health

A rotator cuff tear is a tear in soft tissue of the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff injuries are usually caused by an injury such as breaking a fall with your…

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What to expect from sciatica treatment
What to expect from sciatica treatment 1024 535 Best Practice Health

Sciatica is a specific pain that travels along your sciatic nerve. The nerve extends from the lower back through the hips and buttocks, then down each leg. The sciatic nerve…

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‘Tech neck’ is leading to the need for treatment of neck pain in younger people
‘Tech neck’ is leading to the need for treatment of neck pain in younger people 615 380 Best Practice Health

As a practicing pain management physician Dr. Ann Cherie Foxx is used to seeing arthritis in older people. But lately, she’s been seeing something new: neck pain is young adults…

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A breakthrough (potential cure!) patient and families dealing with Ankylosing Spondylitis need to know about.
A breakthrough (potential cure!) patient and families dealing with Ankylosing Spondylitis need to know about. 755 402 Best Practice Health

Overview of Ankylosing Spondylitis Ankylosing Spondylitis is an autoimmune disorder in which inflammation affects the joints and ligaments of the spine, leading to significant pain and eventually disability. The condition…

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When should I get MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) of my lumbar spine?
When should I get MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) of my lumbar spine? 1024 285 Best Practice Health

As a soldier and single mother of 2 the last thing Sylvia Delgado needed was back pain. But that is what she developed after working out with heavy loads in…

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Sciatica pain, symptoms, and finding the right doctor nearby for treatment
Sciatica pain, symptoms, and finding the right doctor nearby for treatment 1024 285 Best Practice Health

The term sciatica has been used and sometimes misused over the years, but it generally refers to an electrical pain that runs from the low back down the leg caused…

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Can I go back to my normal activities like soccer after total hip replacement (THR) surgery?
Can I go back to my normal activities like soccer after total hip replacement (THR) surgery? 1024 285 Best Practice Health

A: It depends on the surgical approach. If your surgeon was Best Practice Certified, then in a word… yes. No matter how good your surgeon is, everyone must go through…

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